Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Organizing my Common Core lessons

Common Core is a work in progress for me.  My district is in the process of adopting it, and the state is making their own modifications to the original standards, but PA's Dept. of Ed. still lists the standards as "DRAFT" -- This makes me uneasy, but I am doing my best. 

A few years ago, I created a checklist that helped me make sure I was teaching specific skills and covering everything.  I used it like a bar graph...as I checked off the skills I taught, I got a quick visual of what I knew I was covering more than not.  I took the 6th grade common core standards (Literacy only) and broke them down in to this document:

I'm still fine-tuning my use of a document like this.  I sometimes struggle remembering to fill it out, but I can say that it is helpful when planning lesson plans.  My goal for next year is to add this checklist as a MUST DO activity before I can leave school. 

How do you organize your lesson topics for common core?  Does your district have a curriculum map for you to follow?  Ours has one, although I like to make sure I'm backing myself up with other documents since state and district-issued documents tend to be complex. 

EDIT: I was able to clean this document up and make it user-friendly for TpT (linked here, $2). 


  1. I don't use common core since I am in the state of texas, but I would love to review it and give feed back, it sounds like a great thing to use and would consider creating one for myself and my texas friends. Let me know.

  2. Hello! Are you able to provide me with an email address, and do you have Microsoft Excel?

  3. Yes, sorry I just saw this.
    I do have excel.
    You can email me at tmrpar@gmail.com

  4. I am using common core in my state. I would be willing to help you.

  5. I am using common core in my state. I would be willing to help you.

  6. Hi,
    This is my first year teaching and love this idea! I think it would help me tremendously. Feel free to email me, jkrause@rollins.edu

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Sorry for the double, I forgot my email! If you're still looking for help reviewing, I teach 6th grade literacy in Chicago and would love to help. My email is abby.nikolay@gmail.com

  9. I am a second year teacher (Grade 8 English) in Massachusetts and think this would be a great way to keep records on my students. Do you keep records for each student? Or is this a document just to record what you have covered in your curriculum?
    You can email me at kwhelan@westwood.k12.ma.us. Thank you!

  10. I am a Resource center teacher teaching grades 6-8. Our CST want us to track the evidence for the smart goals. I saw a sheet above, but was wondering if it could be modified. Is there way to have all the ELA and MATH standards and than take those and cut and paste them so each sheet is individualized to the student so they can be tracked?....I guess it may be easier to just highlight the standards need and use those, but I figured I would ask. They aren't telling us how to do it, and your site was the first indicator of daylight. I am just trying to "Streamline" a system that would work. My email is hzitman@northbergen.k12.nj.us Thank you!
