Friday, March 15, 2013

Panoramic Classroom Photos

My phone has a panoramic setting!  Who knew?  I've only had it for two years.  :-P

Click on the first photo to be taken to a larger version.  I've labeled some items.  If you have any questions, just ask!

I'm standing in the center of the room, going in the clockwise direction.  Grades 6 & 7 Literacy.  1920's urban public school.





  1. Hi!! I just discovered your blog and I'm loving it!!! I'll be starting my 2nd year as an 8th grade lal teacher this Sept. I was thrown into things last year so I didn't have much prep to get organized and it just went down hill from there. I was curious about your data wall. Is that from the previous years testing scores? My district is all about the data and I think they would love this!!! Thanks!

    1. Hi Elizabeth. I apologize that I'm not a very good blogger and I just saw this post. The data wall has one graph on it that stays up all year, which is that of our state scores. The other data changes out sometimes with district tests, report card grades, reading levels, etc.
