Sunday, September 23, 2012

Losing my best (furry) friend :(

Last week we had to say good-bye to my best friend in the world, Ms. Sasha.  We only had her for 3 years but I'm pretty comfortable saying she was the love of my life.  She was ill, though, and is now at peace.  Here is a picture of her beautiful smile :)

School started two weeks ago and it has kept me extremely busy.  Photos to come soon. 


  1. So sorry to hear about the loss of your fur baby. Pets capture our hearts and become part of the family. I've been back in school 5 weeks....I guess we start back a lot earlier in Florida that a lot of other states! Have a great school year...:)

    Keep Calm & Imagine

    1. Thanks. She really was an awesome dog. It's pretty lonely without her, but she had so many medical needs it is a relief that we're not dealing with it anymore.

      Students didn't start school until the 7th of September so we are still in the beginning stages of setting and practicing routines.
